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Self Made university

It's time to make a change.

Who We Are

We're a movement, a community and a tribe of people armed with the key fundamental skills to create long term success.

We will help to give you the clarity with your clients and build an undeniable stack of proof that you can get amazing results!

We want to arm you with the education and the systems to build your individual blueprint for YOUR clients, YOUR business and THEIR specific goals that is not dependent on how anyone else wants you to be and we will help you develop and refine YOUR plan to get there.

The industry is filled with the ’quick fix’ online coaching that causes people problems with their confidence, their physique and ultimately their health in the long term and the education space is filled with all knowledge and little application.

There are very few companies bridging the gap – but it’s time for that to change.

We combine up to date detailed education on every topic you need to be an amazing coach with community and one to one mentoring so you can actual translate this into results. Then you can bridge the gap between world class results that are ethical and health centred.


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What our community say


coaching confidence

Perfect for Personal Trainers & Coaches

What's included?

Live Education

Weekly live education and community roundtables so you can learn and apply key skills

One To One Mentoring

We act as an advisor on your board to help you directly with your client and learning struggles.

Coaching Resources

Our plug and play systems gives you everything you need to improve client results right away.

Guest Speakers

We have collected the best industry experts to provide you with knowledge on more topics than any other platform in the industry.

…and much more!

Our Founder

Hey, I'm Simon Dutton

Over my 10 years in the industry now working in multiple countries with 1000s of clients and 100s of trainers you begin to see the same trends.

We’re in a world where long term health is more important than ever before. Yet the online personal training industry seems to go down either the health market or the ’quick fix’ physique market.

Coaches have more sources of information than ever but are also more burnt out and overwhelmed.

We aim to provide coaches with truly applicable information and true one to one support to not only get amazing fat loss results without sacrificing health but also stand out in a crowded market.


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It'a time to make a change.

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