Coaching Confidence


So how does it work and what's included?

“Over the last 11 years as a coach I’ve have learned from, worked for and interviewed the brightest and biggest names in the industry. I’ve mentored hundreds of high performing coaches all across the world to get jaw dropping results with clients and build sustainable businesses. I’ve had highest retention levels in the worlds top personal training companies allowing me to generate a more consistent income. We have created a plug and play system for coaching that allows this to be a program where you can take immediate action rather than just an education dump.”

Key areas of the programme include;


Learn to get results like these…

What to expect...

What sets us apart from our competitors is the focus on taking action in your mentorship. the majority of fitness education is simply just weekly seminars and workshops often leaving coaches unsure how to take action or overwhelmed by the amount of it.

We want to give them the educational base to stand out in their market and achieve results but we want to make 1 to 1 mentoring more affordable than flying out or paying for weekly skypes with an industry leader.

So many courses go deep into the science from day 1 and apply at the end only leaving the coach overwhelmed and forgetting most of what they learn before they get to the bit they signed up for.

We set things up in a way you can apply things with your clients right away and an almost foolproof dummy guide to client set up and management. Then through our education and monthly calls we will keep your accountable, troubleshoot issues and layer on the knowledge as to what the things that are working actually worked giving you lightbulb moments as we get deeper into the course.


Help you beat imposter syndrome and be confident in your offer.


Remove doubt with your client results and create clarity on the next steps.

Course Content

5 Modules

  • How Stress affects our client results
  • Self confidence and empathy
  • How to effectively communicate with clients
  • Understanding the hierarchy of needs and using this to create better adherence and buy in
  • Conducting the initial consultation: The Past/Present/Future Model
  • Effective Goal Setting
  • Setting the standard
  • Key Habits and Roadblocks
  • How Stress affects training and recovery
  • Understanding the MADE System
  • Building the system around your client
  • Training continuum and strength qualities
  • Key Programming considerations
  • Conditioning continuum
  • Periodisation methods
  • How to pick the correct tool for your client

This is the accordion body content. It is typically best to keep this area short and to the point so it isn’t too overwhelming.

  • General structure of the spine
  • Ranges of motion at the spine
  • Anatomy of the spine and trunk
  • Understanding Bracing
  • Exercise selection: Bracing
  • Exercise selection: Mid Back
  • Exercise selection: Vertical Pulling
  • Exercise selection: Horizontal Pulling
  • Structure and function of the hip joint
  • Ranges of motion at the hip
  • Anatomy of the hip
  • Individual differences
  • Exercise selection: Hip extension
  • Exercise selection: Bi-lateral squatting
  • Exercise selection: Uni-lateral squatting
  • Exercise selection: Knee flexion/extension
  • Structure and function of the scapula
  • Structure and function of the GH Joint
  • Ranges of motion at the shoulder
  • Anatomy of the shoulder
  • Individual differences
  • Exercise selection: Vertical Pressing
  • Exercise selection: Horizontal Pressing
  • Exercise selection: Delts
  • Exercise selection: Elbow flexion/extension
  • Adherence
  • Calories
  • Macronutrients
  • Micronutrients
  • Meal Timing
  • Building the initial plan
  • Digestive Health
  • Stress hormone recap
  • Insulin and Glucagon
  • Leptin and Ghrelin
  • Testosterone
  • Thyroid
  • Data tracking
  • Making Nutritional adjustments
  • Nutrition continuum
  • Plant based diets
  • Carnivore based diets
  • Inflammation
  • Immune responses
  • Supplementation- TH1
  • Supplementation- TH2
  • Understanding the RESET phase: Goal setting, expectations, graduation markers
  • Linear Periodisation Loading and the RESET phase
  • Daily Undulating Periodisation Loading and the RESET phase
  • GBC Programming
  • Back Loaded Structural Balance Programming
  • Building an Aerobic Base
  • Transformation Nutrition: The Boot camp and beyond
  • Transformation: Key Habits
  • Hypertrophy 101: Key drivers of hypertrophy
  • Exercise selection for hypertrophy
  • Identifying weaknesses
  • Indicator exercises
  • Accessory Exercises
  • Metabolic Stress work/target areas
  • Step Loading and the REBUILD phase
  • HIT phase
  • The Metabolic stress phase
  • Using strength as a deload
  • Nutrition for REBUILD Bigger
  • REBUILD BIGGER: Key Habits
  • Understanding the Nervous system
  • Alternating Periodisation and the REBUILD stronger phase
  • Building an intensification block
  • Building an accumulation block
  • Indicator exercises
  • Accessory exercises
  • Energy Systems 101
  • Nutrition for REBUILD Leaner
  • Program Design considerations
  • Using density & Periodisation for REBUILD Leaner
  • REBUILD LEANER: Key Habits
  • Reverse Dieting 101
  • REBALANCE Phase key habits
  • Recap of the system
  • Onboarding procedures
  • Syllabus creating
  • Setting the standard
  • Online training
  • In house training


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